

New year, new (me)rch

That time of the year is here again, isn't it? It's a familiar phrase filled with genuine intentions and strong resolve. Now, more than ever, consumers are excited to explore fresh possibilities and eagerly await the latest, hottest products the market has to offer – and they're counting on you to provide them.

It's a challenging spot you're in. What's trendy and new doesn't just shift from year to year or season to season anymore. With the rise of the internet and platforms like TikTok, trends can change in a matter of days.

But here's the good news: while what's trending may be temporary, the creation of a trend tends to have a bit more staying power. Why do consumers make the choices they do? What drives, inspires, and motivates them? The answers to these questions and more boil down to understanding consumer trends. By the end of this blog, you'll have a handle on the trends expected this year, which will undoubtedly influence what becomes popular – and set you on the path to being the trendsetter of 2024. 

Let's dive in!

Not the most exciting news, but brace yourself for a slowdown in consumer spending. 

The past few years have been a wild economic ride. In 2022, we witnessed the surge of "revenge spending" – that spending spree phenomenon post nearly two years of social distancing, financial uncertainty, and squirreled-away savings.  According to the same source, the spree rolled into 2023, but in 2024, it looks like things will ease up a bit. With inflation and economic uncertainty in the mix, Forrester predicts consumers will get choosier about where and how they spend. This means products with a slightly lower cost but a higher perceived value will likely steal the spotlight. Think "more bang for your buck." Armed with this insight, let's craft campaigns that make sense and keep building your brand even during the slowdown.

With the buying power shifting to a younger crowd, get ready for some new shopping habits. 

Millennials currently hold the purse strings, and in the next decade or so, Gen Z is set to take the economic reins.  The change in the age of our core buyers across all markets isn't just a passing trend – it's our new reality. But what's interesting is how their buying habits differ from what we're used to with older generations.

While Millennials and Gen Z have their own quirks, there are some common threads. As per a SalesForce post, both groups have felt the pinch of inflation, resulting in less spending compared to their predecessors.  Interestingly, despite the tightened budgets, they both love doing a good chunk of their shopping online, setting them apart from other age groups. A twist, though, is that Millennials are a bit more into traditional shopping experiences than Gen Z. Lastly, a whopping 69 percent of Millennials and 63 percent of Gen Z feel emotionally connected to the brands they choose. That's why being a trustworthy company and brand is crucial!

So, what's the bottom line for you? The new generations of buyers will likely demand higher quality products (they're choosy with their bucks), emphasize eCommerce solutions and robust online marketing, and you'll need to create unique shopping experiences that show these buyers you value them as individuals.

Is being eco-friendly still a big deal? 

Absolutely! It's more on fire than ever! Lucky for our planet, the whole sustainability movement isn't going away. According to Business Wire, a whopping 60 percent of consumers worldwide think sustainability is a big deal when deciding what to buy.  Additionally, over a third of the market is cool with shelling out extra cash for sustainable products or services.

Let's break it down: If you're not all in on sustainability, it could make or break your sales, brand loyalty, and how long your brand lasts. In this cutthroat market, skipping out on offering sustainable choices in your products and marketing isn't just bad for the planet or even your customers, who will simply go somewhere else. In the end, you're basically cheating yourself. When you're on the hunt for help finding earth-friendlier products and creating messages that give them meaning, you know where to find us!

The more things change, the more they stay the same, right? 

If "new year, new me" is the mantra for consumers, maybe you can find solace in this idea as you navigate the year ahead. As we discussed, what's hot can switch up in a heartbeat, and even long-lasting trends have their ups and downs over time. But the constant factor is that those enduring trends shape the fleeting ones – consumer and social trends lay the groundwork for what becomes trendy.

In a nutshell – stay confident and empowered! The list we went through serves as a starting point for 2024 trends and how to tackle them. But through this blog, you've unknowingly gained something even more valuable – a knack for picking up signals from consumers and responding in your product offerings and marketing strategy. Not every shiny, new thing is for everyone. Your brand story is unique to you, so it's about finding products that help tell that story effectively. Sometimes, a simple combo of a sticky note and pen with a great message might work better at keeping you in people's minds and creating revenue opportunities. Or perhaps a budget-friendly water bottle is the answer. We excel at understanding you, your clients, and their competition, ensuring you present your brand in ways that align with who you are and what you're aiming for. This insight and partnership will not only carry you through the new year, delivering what's hot and new right now, but for many more years to come.

So, what are you waiting for? It's your time to shine and be the trendsetter. 

Explore our collection of top trending products HERE

Contact us today to discuss how you can position yourself as a trendsetter in 2024.

Get Caught Up in the Moment

As we approach the end of the 2023 season, balancing new interests, revisiting forgotten New Year's resolutions, and refining your business can be quite time-consuming. It's simple to get caught up in daily routines, inadvertently sidelining important goals, particularly those related to your business. Yet, one crucial aspect not to disregard is expanding your brand's influence, a pivotal element in gaining new clients, nurturing relationships, gathering insights for business enhancement, and more. Luckily, attending a trade show presents an outstanding chance to actively engage in effective outreach.

In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of trade shows and discuss how you can amplify your business's visibility through essential print and promotional marketing techniques.

  1. Impact of Trade Shows and Cultivating Face-to-Face Connections

  2. Standing Out with Unique Signage and Promotions

  3. Advantages of Accessible Print Materials

Impact of Trade Shows and Cultivating Face-to-Face Connections

Elevating your business often entails exposing it to the right audience, and trade shows prove to be highly impactful in this regard. Approximately 70% of businesses attending trade shows successfully generate new leads and build brand recognition, resulting in brand loyalty, enduring relationships, and heightened sales margins.  Furthermore, in-person events hold greater value than virtual meetings, as face-to-face interactions are proven to be 34 times more effective.  In this era of remote work, making a lasting impression is crucial, not only in personal interactions but also in showcasing products or services directly to end users, fostering meaningful connections.

Attending trade shows allows your business to glean valuable feedback from potential clients, enabling refinements in messaging, customer service, products, and services. It also keeps you abreast of your competition, aiding in the differentiation of your brand. Being aware of your competitors' strategies empowers you to elevate your performance and optimize success.

Standing Out with Unique Signage and Promotions

While the importance of attending trade shows is evident, standing out amidst a sea of businesses can be a formidable task. The trade show environment, replete with gadgets, promotional items, and free samples, can easily divert attention from your brand. To overcome this challenge, strategically employing unique displays, custom signs, and banners can effectively capture the attention of new leads, boosting brand visibility and creating a memorable experience.

Promotional items play a significant role in attracting attention in a trade show setting. Showcasing these items in person allows attendees to tangibly experience your product, sparking curiosity and a desire to learn more. Offering free product samples enhances engagement and interest.

Advantages of Accessible Print Materials

Translating your brand message onto print material can substantially contribute to your company's visibility. According to a study by True Impact, "direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process", suggesting that print material is more memorable than online content. In a world dominated by digital screens, providing print materials at trade shows offers a refreshing and immersive experience for attendees.

Printed materials, including catalogs, booklets, and posters, are user-friendly, convenient, and enhance the credibility of your business. Having these materials readily available during trade shows facilitates interactions, addresses questions, directs people to additional resources, and provides contact information for ongoing communication.

In conclusion, enhancing brand recognition is paramount, and trade shows provide an ideal platform for achieving this. By cultivating in-person relationships, leaving lasting impressions, increasing consumer retention, reaching new audiences, and leveraging print and promotional materials, trade shows offer a unique opportunity for business growth. 

Contact us today to maximize your brand recognition at trade shows and upcoming events.

Moments of Recognition

Two of the most impactful words in the English language are “thank you.”  A small token of appreciation or a simple gesture of gratitude can have a profound impact on someone's life. Everyone involved in the business process desires recognition and acknowledgment. That's why it's crucial to ensure that your employees, clients, and potential customers feel appreciated and acknowledged. In this article, we'll explore effective methods for expressing appreciation in your workplace!

  1. Functional Recognition

  2. Personalized Gifts

  3. Cards and Kudos

1. Functional Recognition

In the corporate world, it's time to move beyond traditional awards and plaques that often end up as forgotten decorations. Functional gifts, those that provide utility and enjoyment, have gained prominence as a powerful way to express appreciation. From office games to stylish glassware and custom-branded apparel, these gifts not only make recipients feel valued but also enhance brand visibility. Recent research by the Advertising Specialty Institute (ASI) shows that promotional products like these can generate an average of 3,300 impressions over their lifespan. Functional gifts bridge the gap between thoughtful recognition and strategic branding, ensuring a win-win for both parties involved.

2.  Personalized Gifts 

Personalized gifts have the potential to foster emotional resonance, recognize individuality, and prove to the recipient they are valued. Whether for a client, prospect, or employee, a personalized gift goes beyond corporate cookie-cutter presents. The personal touch evokes positive emotions and creates a sense of connection and loyalty.  Personalized gifts could include anything from a gift card to their favorite restaurant to a framed photo of their first day at your company. This type of gift creates meaningful connections, helps you stand out from the crowd, encourages word-of-mouth marketing, and can result in increased customer engagement. 

3. Cards and Kudos

Applying the principles of the "5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman, which identify various ways people feel loved, you can adapt this concept to the workplace. Words of affirmation, the most common love language, extend beyond personal relationships to professional settings. Expressing appreciation for hard work, project accomplishments, or a positive attitude can go a long way. Kind words and verbal recognition, which come at no cost, can boost morale. You can also take it a step further by putting your sentiments in writing, either on a physical card or an e-card. A written sentiment has a more lasting impact and can be expressed through creative options, leaving a lasting impression of appreciation.

The Takeaway

Recognizing and appreciating others is crucial in any setting. It benefits both the receiver, elevating their self-esteem and rewarding their hard work, and the giver, increasing the likelihood of retention and loyalty. Recognition and appreciation are the foundation of a healthy workplace, so it's vital to acknowledge and celebrate those you value. Contact us today to discover effective ways to show recognition for your employees, clients, and prospects, fostering a thriving work environment and nurturing meaningful partnerships.

Timeless Moments

In the quest for innovation, it’s easy to get caught up in trends and what’s new. But what’s new isn’t always what’s best.  Sometimes if it isn’t broken, you shouldn’t try to fix it. Some timeless products and strategies have proven effective throughout the years and abandoning them for something new just to try to stay current is foolish. In this blog post, we’ll discuss three categories of battle-tested promotional products that you should still be using today: 

  1. Apparel

  2. Bags

  3. Writing Instruments


Apparel provides a unique opportunity to put your logo on something every single person in the world uses. Whether it's shirts, jackets, or pants, imprinting your company logo on clothing ensures brand exposure wherever the wearer goes. Globally, apparel items have the highest brand recall, with 85% of people able to remember the advertiser seen on a piece of clothing. Branded apparel also works exceptionally well in uniform contexts, as 94% of consumers prefer to see employees wearing the same uniforms, making team members easily recognizable. Apparel is consistent and versatile, transcending fashion trends and finding utility in any era. Additionally, it provides recipients with a tangible and practical item for everyday use.


If you're in search of a promotional product that generates the most impressions, bags take the crown, creating nearly 6,000 impressions over their lifespan. Bags are also incredibly practical, serving a utilitarian purpose in daily life by carrying valuables. What's more, bags are remarkably cost-effective, boasting a cost per impression as low as one-tenth of a cent, tying with writing instruments for the lowest cost per impression among promotional products in the U.S. Given their affordability, visibility, and effectiveness, it makes perfect sense to include bags in your promotional strategy, whether it's a tote, backpack, duffel, or any other type.

Writing Instruments 

Now, you might be thinking: “Pens are boring and overdone; nobody wants another pen.” But what’s great about writing instruments is their practicality. A staggering 77% of consumers cite a promotional product's usefulness as the top reason to keep it, and health and safety products, computer products, and writing instruments rank as the most useful. The numbers highlight just how essential this category of products is to consumers.  73% of people have a pen with them at all times.  And if your logo is on the pen somebody needed in an important situation, they will more than likely be able to recall what name was on it.  As mentioned above, writing instruments are also inexpensive, with the lowest cost per impression of any promo product (tied with bags). Writing instruments have proven effective repeatedly, and there’s a reason so many companies continue to brand them and use them in their promo strategy. 

The Takeaway 

Hopefully, you’ve noticed a pattern throughout this blog. Some of the most important factors to consider when choosing promotional products for your business are application, usefulness, and cost per impression. Apparel, bags, and writing instruments all check at least one of those boxes, which is why they continue to be effective products. Advertisers and marketers recognized this a long time ago, and these products have withstood the test of time. While it's crucial to explore the latest developments and innovations in the print and promo products arena, it's equally important to stay grounded in the fundamentals. Apparel, bags, and writing instruments aren't going anywhere anytime soon, so it's wise to continue leveraging them when crafting your promotional strategy. 

Contact us today to discuss timeless promotional products that can create sustained success in your branding strategy.

Embrace the Personal Touch this Holiday Season

When it comes to holiday presents, we all know that it's the thought behind the gift that truly counts. This year, the spotlight is on personalization in the print and promotional products industry. Surprisingly, did you know that 62% of individuals prefer personalized gifts over expensive store-bought items? In this blog post, we'll delve into why it's time to leave generic gifting behind, highlighting:

1. Establishing Deeper Connections

2. Setting Yourself Apart

3. Word-of-Mouth Promotion

4. Boosting Customer Engagement

Establishing Deeper Connections

Personalized gifts have the power to create emotional connections, acknowledge individuality, and communicate to the recipient that they are genuinely valued. Whether it's for a client, prospect, or employee, a personalized gift goes beyond the ordinary corporate offerings. This personal touch triggers positive emotions and fosters a sense of connection and loyalty.

A run-of-the-mill gift can't convey the same sentiment as a gift engraved with the recipient's name, a significant date, or a heartfelt message. For instance, personalizing a coffee mug with a picture of an employee's first day at your company and the date carries much more meaning than a mug adorned with just the company logo. These are the kind of relationship-focused moments that personalized gifts can create. Everyone wants to feel appreciated.

Setting Yourself Apart

The average household owns approximately 30 promotional items. With over 123.6 million households in the US and around 15.3 million in Canada, that translates to more than 4 billion promotional products circulating in these two countries alone. How can you hope to stand out in such a vast sea of promotional materials? The answer lies in personalization! I might have ten pens in my desk drawer, but only one might come in a special case with my name etched onto it. I might have a few whiskey glasses in my cabinet, but how many bear my initials? How many were gifted to me by my boss who knows I adore Woodford Reserve? These personal touches set you apart from the crowd in the eyes of your employees, clients, prospects, or customers.

Word-of-Mouth Promotion

Did you know that 58% of people will enthusiastically share their personalized gifts with others? The personal touch conveys, "I put thought into this, especially for you," and people love to brag about being cherished. Word-of-mouth marketing represents a colossal $6 trillion in annual consumer spending, accounting for a remarkable 13% of all consumer sales. You can invest heavily in advertising, but it's challenging to match the effectiveness of someone having a positive experience with your brand and sharing it with others.

A considerate, personalized gift for a crucial employee, client, or prospect not only brings happiness to that individual but could potentially lead to acquiring another valuable employee, client, or prospect. The extra effort put into personalization might be the catalyst for a chain reaction that brings in your most significant client ever. It also transforms customers into unofficial brand advocates who are eager to endorse your brand and represent it in the world. One of the most powerful testimonials someone can provide about you often stems from tangible examples of how you expressed your appreciation, and personalized gifts are a fantastic starting point.

Boosting Customer Engagement

Personalized gifting can also boost customer engagement and interaction. Whether it's through personalized messages, interactive elements, or unique packaging, it encourages recipients to actively engage with your brand. The right personalized gift can fortify relationships between businesses and customers by showcasing a company's dedication to fostering a long-term connection, ultimately leading to enhanced customer retention and loyalty.

Consider businesses that send birthday gifts to customers enrolled in their loyalty programs. For example, Chili's might send an e-card with a coupon for a free molten lava cake, along with a warm birthday message. A fashion company might track customer preferences and send a personalized bag featuring a style the customer loves as a token of appreciation for their continued support. These gestures might not seem significant to the business, but they mean a great deal to the recipient and could result in repeat business.

The Key Takeaway

Let's make this year's gifting personal. By adding a touch of personalization to your gifts, you can foster meaningful connections, stand out from the competition, tap into word-of-mouth marketing, and boost customer engagement. It's never too early to start planning for the holiday season, as the year flies by quickly. Consider placing your orders ahead of time to beat the holiday rush and ensure that your employees, clients, customers, and prospects receive that perfect personalized gift, making them feel like an integral part of your journey.

Contact us today to explore the possibilities of implementing a personalized gifting strategy for this year's holiday season!

Cherish Every Moment

Our lives are made up of a series of moments. They come and go like the wind, so it’s important to live in each one and cherish them whenever possible. This holiday season is going to be all about cherishing the moment; stopping to smell the flowers amid the hustle and bustle of the busy world around you. We want to give you the keys to making this a memorable holiday for you, your family, your network, as well as those you work with via gifting. In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

  1. The Joy of Receiving 

  2. Personalization 

  3. Functionality 

The Joy of Receiving 

They say it’s better to give than receive, and that may be true, but today we want to focus on receiving! Getting a gift unlocks something in a person’s heart and mind. A gift says “Wow, you thought enough about me to go out of your way and spend your money to show you appreciate me.” Some people would even go so far as to call gifts their love language. This doesn’t mean they’re greedy or materialistic, it’s all about sentiment! And that is the theme we want to cultivate this holiday season. 

Think back to Christmas morning as a kid: the feeling of running into the living room and seeing beautifully wrapped gifts with shiny bows waiting for you, a world of possibilities in each unopened box. For most people, that feeling never truly dies. No matter what it is, that joyful feeling of opening a gift that’s wrapped just for you elicits a joy that is hard to replicate.  

You likely have already seen this in gifts to family and friends, so why not extend it to those you do business with? Let your employees, clients, or prospects know that you’re thinking about them and that you cherish your relationship with them through gifting! Let them unwrap some joy this holiday season and show you are a thoughtful business partner who values those involved in your process. 


Giving gifts is great, but let’s take it to the next level. Personalization takes an ordinary present and amplifies its effect because of the extra step you went through to choose it. 62% of people prefer personalized gifts over costly store-bought items. Ultimately, it accomplishes four things: 

  • Creates meaningful connections 

Personalized gifts have the potential to foster emotional resonance, recognize individuality, and prove to the recipient they are valued. Making it personal evokes positive emotions and creates a sense of connection and loyalty. 

  • Helps you stand out from the crowd 

Most households own an average of 30 promotional products, so it can be difficult to get your brand in the spotlight, but personalization can change that. Giving a gift that is specifically tailored to the recipient, either because of their interests or some personal touch you added is the perfect way to make your gift stand out from the pack and show that you really value the person! 

  • Provides word-of-mouth marketing opportunities 

Did you know 58% of people will tell others about their gift if it’s personalized?  It’s hard to beat the effectiveness of someone having a positive experience with your brand and telling someone else about it. That’s why word-of-mouth marketing accounts for $6 trillion of annual consumer spending.

  • Increases customer engagement 

Personalization encourages recipients to actively engage with your brand. The right personalized gift can strengthen relationships between businesses and customers by showing a company’s commitment to maintaining a long-term relationship, in turn leading to increased customer retention and loyalty.   

For examples of personalized gifts, consider choosing items you know the recipient is interested in; maybe something you heard them mention in passing or a hobby you know they are passionate about. Other ways to add a personal touch are adding their name, including a special message on the product, or even incorporating a memory you have with them. The degree of personalization can depend on how well you know the person, but adding the extra thought can go a long way! 


“People want to be creative and surprise the recipient,” says Elizabeth Dunn, a psychology professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, “but the better gift will be whatever it is they say they want.” This is a tough concept for some people to grasp, because we so often think we know what’s best for other people. Sometimes the easiest way to make a person happy with a gift is to ask them what they want. 

Putting together a selection of products they can choose from can ensure the recipient gets something they will actually use in the future. It can also let them know that you are listening to them and putting stock in their input. Directly asking people what they want isn’t the conventional way to go, but sometimes it’s the most effective! 

The Takeaway 

Everyone wants to give memorable and quality gifts, and this holiday season, let’s give the joy of receiving! Adding a personal touch to your gift, or buying the perfect item that your customer, employee, or client says they want is the key to making sure your gifting strategy is effective this year! With the right gift, we can cherish every moment this holiday season and show those in our personal lives and those involved in our business process how much we care! 

CONTACT US TODAY to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team who will assist you in finding personalized holiday gifts that show appreciation to everyone involved in your process.

Content is King

Content is king. You’ve likely heard that expression sometime in the last few years as endless streams of content flood your social media pages, email inboxes, and television airwaves. Content marketing is your chance to get your brand in the spotlight and in front of a target audience in a way that’s valuable to both parties. But what does that look like, and how can you do it effectively? In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

1. Content Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

2. Examples of Content Marketing Campaigns

3. Creating Content that Adds Value

Content Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing 

How does content marketing differ from more traditional marketing strategies? The New York Times describes it in these contrasting terms: branded versus educational content, reaching the masses versus personal connections, interruption versus value, and monologue versus dialogue.

Traditional marketing generally focuses on the brand as a whole. It focuses mostly on amplifying brand awareness in a more general sense and increasing conversions on a larger scale. Traditional marketing interrupts users when they are going about their daily lives and tends to be more one-sided as businesses send out information to consumers with the hope they will continue the conversation. 

Content marketing’s goal is to add value to the reader and act as an example of thought leadership. It’s more personal and authentic and presents information often sought out by users to help them with a challenge they are facing. Content marketing gives consumers a platform on which to speak directly with business owners in a more personalized interaction. 

Examples of Content Marketing Campaigns 

Now that we know the difference, let’s look at some examples of successful content marketing campaigns.  

At the end of each year, the music streaming service Spotify provides its users with Spotify Wrapped — a recap of their most played songs, albums, and artists. It then creates a personalized playlist using that information, which users frequently share on social media, causing the brand to trend and generating interest even among non-users. 

Another fun example is Wordle, the New York Times word game that challenges players to guess a five-letter word in six attempts each day. The Wordle page received over 51 million organic views in the U.S. and attracted over 1.9 million backlinks as of February 2023.  It had the newspaper trending daily and created a way for people to discuss the brand regularly. 

Apple’s “Dear Apple” campaign is another effective example. This one used video as the primary form of content, as a series of videos showed how the Apple Watch can save lives. It created a personal experience among viewers, calming fears, and invoking human emotion through the stories being told.  

Content marketing has taken over as the dominant form of marketing and the examples are endless. Some methods include blog posts, videos, infographics, social media posts, and podcasts, to name a few.

Creating Content that Adds Value 

According to the Head of Global Innovation for ServiceNow, 4.6 billion pieces of content are produced daily, and in the last 30 years, we as humans have produced more information than in the previous 5,000.  Oh yeah, and that number is from 2015. Can you imagine what that number is up to in 2023? We are talking about immeasurable amounts of content being created every day. 

Anything you create is just a drop in the bucket of the massive marketing universe, so the key is making something that adds value for your end user. Try to find a unique spin, something that makes your content different from what everyone else is doing. Another important tip is making your content actionable. Make it clear that there is a next step to whatever the viewer has just seen. 

It’s also a good idea to focus on quality over quantity. Sometimes an image or three effective words can say more than a 5,000-word blog post. Consider the fact that your target audience is already being bombarded with thousands of ads a day and keep it short and to the point. 

Finally, video content is one of the best ways you can add value for a consumer. Why? Users will retain 95% of a message watched on video as opposed to only 10% read in text.  Half of social media users prefer video over other types of content and the algorithms support that, with every major social media platform now pushing some type of “reels” or “stories” function. Video is an essential way to get your content pushed out to the masses, and personalizing it and targeting it to user needs is your key to effectiveness. 

The Takeaway 

Have you noticed that when you’re on a social media site, it’s no longer possible to reach the bottom or the end of the feed? Content is indeed king and content marketing is the most prominent means of marketing in today’s day and age. It’s necessary in every marketing plan, but it’s important to remember that it should add value and stand out in some way among the sea of collateral that exists in the social media and content marketing landscape. Master the art of content marketing and promising leads, a loyal customer base, and profits will follow. 

Contact us to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team who will assist you in discovering the ideal products to enhance your content marketing strategy!  

Print is Everywhere

Print is everywhere! Print provides unlimited opportunities to reach your customers in ways that center around them. But the print industry has largely evolved in recent years, and new developments in the print arena mean there are even more chances to incorporate print collateral in your business. In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

Print Awareness
Technology, Sustainability, and Packaging
Financial Opportunities

Print Awareness 

The possibilities of print are infinite! From brochures and flyers to business cards, banners, labels, and packaging, the array of print opportunities available is truly vast. Moreover, each of these print materials can be tailored to suit the needs of customers. Print is a reliable medium that customers trust, as indicated by a recent survey in which 82% of respondents expressed a preference for companies that use custom print materials, such as business cards, brochures, and other branded items.

For example, a brochure can be designed to provide customers with all the information they need to make an informed purchase decision, including details about the product, features and benefits, and reviews or testimonials from previous customers. Flyers represent yet another print opportunity that can be leveraged to promote products and services. By crafting visually appealing flyers that feature compelling calls to action, such as visiting a website or dialing a phone number, businesses can entice potential customers to take action. Business cards, which are an indispensable component of any business, can also be customized to create a unique and eye-catching impression. A well-designed business card can provide customers with all the relevant contact information and simplify the process of reaching out to the business. The examples go on and on, but ultimately print provides a tangible way to get information and products straight into the customer’s hands in ways that can be tailored to them and that they inherently trust. 

Technology, Sustainability, and Flexible Packaging 

As with any industry, print has evolved over the years to stay relevant and keep up with the latest trends. In recent years, advancements in technology have revolutionized the print industry. Digital printing has enabled businesses to generate premium print materials quickly and efficiently, while simultaneously reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact. Other innovations include QR codes, which you can now find just about anywhere you look. Developments like QR codes, augmented reality, and fragrance incorporation allow for more interactive and immersive experiences for customers. 

In recent years, sustainability has emerged as a significant topic of discussion, and the print industry, which has historically been linked to excessive waste and environmental harm, has shifted its focus to prioritize sustainable practices. Nowadays, many print materials are made using recycled paper or biodegradable inks, and printing processes that limit paper waste have been adopted to foster a more environmentally friendly print sector. Additionally, these changes have resulted in more profitable outcomes. 

Another major shift in print has been the rise of flexible packaging. It has become an increasingly popular choice for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact and offers a more convenient and user-friendly experience for their customers. Flexible packaging is lightweight, easy to open and close, and highly customizable to fit a wide range of products and designs. In fact, the global flexible packaging market is expected to reach $336.7 billion by 2026!  With all that in mind, it’s evident that print is rapidly evolving and holds solutions for the present as well as the future. 

Financial Opportunities 

Print presents a plethora of possibilities for not only customization and creativity, but also monetary gain through its effectiveness in advertising. One way to monetize print is by offering advertising space in brochures, flyers, and other print materials. This can be a particularly effective strategy for businesses that target a specific audience. For example, a business that sells sports equipment could seek ad space in a brochure that is distributed at a local sporting event. 

Another way to monetize print is by offering customized print materials. Businesses can offer personalized direct mail or posters that are custom-tailored to the needs and preferences of their target market. This strategy can be particularly successful for companies that cater to niche markets or offer luxurious or high-end products and services. By utilizing customized print materials, businesses can effectively communicate their unique value proposition and set themselves apart from their competitors. 

The numbers are there to prove print is effective in marketing. Materials like brochures and catalogs have longer lifespans than digital marketing materials, are more likely to be remembered, and can even improve brand recall. Recent studies have found that people who read information in print formats are able to recall it better than those who read the same information in a digital format.

Print projects are rarely one-time opportunities. Most printed items, envelopes, letterheads, retail signage, product labels, catalogs, note pads, are disposable and will need to be replenished or replaced. This provides ongoing revenue and establishes potential revenue opportunities for any other type of print project that arises. 

The Takeaway 

Print isn’t going anywhere. It’s an effective method of customer-centric marketing and sales that provides its own unique opportunities. Once you’re aware of all the potential, the developments in technology and sustainability, and the ways to monetize print, it can be a game changer for your business! 

Contact us today to set up a call or zoom with our dedicated team to help you harness the power of print.

Get Ready to Tee Up

For decades, business and golf have gone hand in hand. The reason this tradition has transcended time is simple: there’s just no office equivalent for getting outside, riding around in a cart for hours with someone, and having fun while playing an esteemed sport.  

No matter what industry you’re in or your prior experience with golf, you may find that the more involved you are with client relations and dealing with executives, the more golf comes up in conversation, and the more it is respected in the business world. 

In fact, an estimated 90% of Fortune 500 CEOs play golf, and 54% of business professionals see it as the perfect networking tool.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

  • Why is golf so popular in the corporate world?
  • Golf basics you need to know
  • Hosting company events on the course

Why is golf so popular in the corporate world? 

Before we get into golf basics or how to leverage the sport in business relations, it’s important to understand why exactly it’s so prevalent in corporate North America. It’s wildly popular in the professional community, with the admiration only increasing the higher you rise within the corporate structure. A favored benefit being the sport gets you outside and active without taking too much of a physical toll on the body. A 70-year-old CEO is not going to invite a prospective client out for a game of pickup basketball or to throw a football around. Golf is physically accessible to people of all ages and stages. 

Aside from the lower physical requirements it takes to play recreationally, the pace of golf is perfect to get to know somebody. There is lots of down time both between shots and between holes. With the resonance of mother nature surrounding you, the course also provides the perfect atmosphere to let your guard down and relax a bit as you talk more candidly about your business, its needs, or what it can provide. 

The way a person plays the game of golf can also give insights into what kind of business partner they would be. 50% of golfers agreed with the statement, “the way a person plays golf is very similar to how he or she conducts business affairs.” If someone kicks their ball to a more favorable spot when they think no one is looking, or becomes enraged after slicing a drive, you may want to think twice about including them in your future business plans. 

Golf basics you need to know 

So you’ve accepted that if you’re a part of the corporate realm, it’s very likely that, at some point, you will get up close and personal with a golf course. If you’re already a bona fide golfer, this is great news! If not, being introduced to golf can be intimidating; hitting a little white ball 200 yards while keeping it in play as you progress down the fairway may seem like a daunting task. But you don’t have to be the next Tiger Woods to fit in and have a good time on the links with clients and coworkers. Here are a few need-to-knows that will keep you from making a fool of yourself and help you to be successful on the golf course. 

  • Spend a little time at a driving range before your outing. Once you take your first practice swing on the range, you’re going to be happy it wasn’t on the tee box with a high-level executive watching you. Go out at least a few times to hit a bucket of range balls and work on making consistent and accurate contact with the ball. Sometimes the golf pro there or other golfers walking around may have some good tips to improve your swing and polish your game. 

  • Familiarize yourself with golf etiquette. Nothing will turn a client off faster than showing up late to your tee time, talking during their backswing, driving your golf cart onto the green, or violating other well-known expectations of golf etiquette. There can be a lot to remember if you’ve never done it before, so click here for a more comprehensive list of do’s and don’ts on the course. 

  • Pace yourself while on the golf course. The weather while playing golf may be nice, but it isn’t always forgiving, and for there to be beers flowing on the course is quite common. A golf outing can be anywhere between three to five hours depending on the pace of play that day, and while having a few drinks to loosen up and lower the pressure of talking serious business is fine, the last thing you want is to embarrass yourself by going overboard. (Make sure to take into account the sun beating down on you for all that time and always stay hydrated!) 

  • Learn the lingo. Read up on some common golf terms and phrases. You should know what par means, the difference between a driver, an iron, and a wedge, what the front and back 9 are, and terms like fairway, rough, green etc. At least make sure you know these basic words so you aren’t totally lost when they’re mentioned in conversation on the course. 

Hosting company events on the course 

Aside from trying to woo a client or prospect one-on-one with a round of golf, your company may opt to host a tournament or charity event at a golf course. One way to approach this is as a sponsor. Is there a well-known tournament in your area or a golf outing for a good cause? As a corporate sponsor, your logo can be on display on things like banners at the clubhouse, signs around each hole, golf accessories like towels, balls, or tees, and more! Golfers, spectators, and important business leaders will be spending hours surrounded by logos from these sponsors, creating invaluable impressions throughout the day. 

You could also organize a tournament within your company. Taking this route gives you total control over who is playing in the tournament and who the audience is. Allow your high-level executives to invite their most valued clients along for the round to keep up relations and speak freely about what’s working and what’s not. Or have some of your Sales Professionals invite prospects to golf with them and connect on a personal level. The ROI of strategically planned events like this will likely outweigh the cost of putting on the tournament. 

The Takeaway 

Golf continues to be a staple for business owners, Sales Professionals, executives, and others in the business world. There are few avenues like it that can so effectively juxtapose the relaxed, laidback environment of recreation against the typical stuffiness of conducting business to present a perfect opportunity for establishing and enriching professional relationships. It can be intimidating at times, but once you have the basics down, you’ll be able to participate in rounds that allow you to network or even close that big deal! The game also provides a great opportunity for hosting events and tournaments, creating another dependable way to grow your business and increase brand impressions. Oh yeah, and it’s a lot of fun!  

CONTACT US today to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team to discuss how to conduct business and network on the golf course effectively and take your company to the next level! 

The Future is Now

Advancements in technology have disrupted almost every industry, and the promotional product industry is no different. That’s why aligning yourself with companies that leverage advancing technology is essential. This means businesses that are actively incorporating new tools and techniques to create innovative products, streamline production processes, and meet the ever-changing demands of customers.

But these changes are nothing to be afraid of. As Malcolm X once said, “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” In this blog post, we will help you prepare for that future by exploring the importance of leveraging advancing technology to start embracing the future, as well as tools that can help your business stay ahead of the curve.


In the past, promotional products were limited to simple items such as pens, notepads, and keychains. However, with the advent of technology, the industry has undergone a significant transformation, making it possible for you to provide a wider range of offerings with higher quality and customization options to your clients through previously impossible means. Want to capitalize on some of the latest technological trends and methods to boost your business? Here are a few examples:

3D Printing

One of the most exciting technological advancements in the print and promotional product industry is 3D printing. With 3D printing, companies can create customized, high-quality products that were previously impossible to produce using traditional manufacturing methods. For example, a company can now create personalized figurines, custom phone cases, and other intricate items using 3D printing technology. This process also allows for faster and more efficient prototyping, which can help save time and money in the production process. By using 3D printing, companies can produce a physical prototype of a product within hours or days, instead of waiting weeks or months for a traditional prototype.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. With AR, promo products companies can create interactive product demonstrations and visualizations, making it easier for customers to visualize how a product will look and feel before making a purchase. For example, a company can create an AR app that allows customers to see how a promotional item will look in their environment, such as a customized tumbler on their desk. By using AR, companies can enhance the customer experience, increase engagement, and create a more immersive buying process.


In today’s digital age, eCommerce and online ordering have become essential tools for promo products companies. The pandemic accelerated an already rapidly growing trend of online purchasing, and it’s only getting bigger. In 2021, retail e-commerce sales in the United States exceeded $360 billion. This figure increased to $431.4 billion in 2022. And it’s expected to grow even further to $511.8 billion in 2023, $604.5 billion in 2024, and $710.42 billion in 2025. E-commerce stores are the perfect way to engage customers where they are in the most convenient way possible. By offering an online ordering system, companies can provide customers with a fast, convenient, and accessible way to purchase promotional items. 


In terms of the benefits of aligning yourself with a print and promotional products company that is leveraging technology, one of the most significant is that it allows you to create personalized and targeted campaigns and products. Personalization has become an essential part of marketing, as it helps to create a deeper connection between the brand and the customer. According to a study by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences. Therefore, by leveraging technology, your business can create personalized promotional items that resonate with your target audience, ultimately leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

Additionally, technology has made it possible for your business to track and analyze the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and offerings. In the past, measuring the impact of promotional products on the target audience was difficult. However, with the use of modern tools such as QR codes and NFC tags, you can track the effectiveness of your promotional products in real-time. This allows you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your products and campaigns for better results.

Many companies are already making moves for the future and changing their business strategy, with 89% of companies already adopting a digital-first business strategy or making plans to do so. It’s not only beneficial to leverage technology in your business, it’s essential!


Leveraging technology when strategizing your print and promotional product plan has become more important than ever. The use of modern tools and techniques can help businesses create personalized and targeted marketing campaigns, track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, and reduce costs while increasing efficiency in the production process. To stay ahead of the competition, you must be willing to embrace modern tools such as eCommerce and 3D printing technology. By doing so, your business can create unique and engaging campaigns that capture the attention of their target audience, ultimately leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.

CONTACT US TODAY to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team to help you embrace the future today and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to changing technology.

Clean and Green

Moments: Clean and Green

Recycle, use less water, carpool, reduce your carbon footprint…these are all common examples of things the average person can do to help the environment. And while those are all good suggestions on an individual level, there is also space for eco-friendliness in the print and promotional product industry that could have an even bigger impact – for both the planet and your business.  

What does it mean to embrace corporate sustainability, and why does it matter?  In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

  1. What is Eco-Friendly Promo? 
  2. Going Green Without Losing Green 
  3. Implementing Green Initiatives 

What is Eco-Friendly Promo? 

Let’s start with the basics. Eco-friendly promo can fall into one of two buckets: it can refer to the materials and processes used to make products, or it can refer to company contributions to environmentally friendly causes and initiatives with each purchase. Some examples of the former include products that are manufactured and sourced sustainably, products made from recycled materials, products that can be recycled, biodegradable products that break down quickly and safely, and products made from sustainable organic materials. Examples of the latter include businesses that plant a tree for every product sold or use a percentage of profits to support anti-pollution efforts. 

Now that we’ve outlined what eco-friendly promo entails, try to envision what that would actually look like when put into action in your business. Suppliers that offer a give-back component are becoming more commonplace, and offering items like reusable aluminum bottles, recycled cotton t-shirts, bamboo products, and collateral printed on recycled paper are all great examples of eco-friendly print and promotional items that you can incorporate in your business offerings.  

Going Green Without Losing Green 

Going green isn’t all about dollars and cents.  Helping to save the planet through environmentally beneficial initiatives is a noble cause! However, we recognize that it is the primary goal of businesses to provide quality products and make a profit doing so. With that in mind, let’s address a couple of common concerns about the green movement. 

The cost of sustainable products is higher than traditional products because the raw materials are more expensive and they are produced in smaller quantities. But on the flip side, they’re of better quality and have a lower environmental impact.  Furthermore, the numbers show that many consumers are willing to pick up the extra cost. In fact, more than half of consumers say they would pay more for sustainable products designed to be reused or recycled.

On the whole, sustainability is a positive thing for a business’s bottom line. A review of academic literature on sustainability initiatives and corporate performance from Harvard Business Review found that from 200 studies, 90% conclude that good ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards lower the cost of capital.  Plus, an astonishing 83% of consumers believe it’s important or extremely important for companies to have a positive impact by designing products intended for reuse or recycling.

Even from an internal perspective, there are benefits. More than 70% of employees at large North American companies say they are more likely to choose to work at a company with a strong environmental agenda.  No matter which way you slice it, being environmentally conscious and implementing eco-friendly promo is a win for your company. 

Implementing Green Initiatives 

Lots of businesses talk a big game when it comes to being environmentally conscious, but what are some tangible ways to implement eco-friendly initiatives in the workplace? 

One great example of this is Ben & Jerry’s. The famous ice cream shop is doing everything from creating a more sustainable packing process, to practicing regenerative agriculture that protects soil health and increases farm biodiversity. They have also committed to working toward 100% renewable electricity in their global manufacturing operations, company-owned Scoop Shops, and offices.

You might think putting so many resources into environmental initiatives would be costly, but Ben & Jerry’s remains one of the top ice cream companies in the world, with about $911 million in sales in the United States alone last year.  Your business may not be in a position to go all in like that at this time, and that’s ok. It doesn’t have to redefine your business model or anything drastic, but a little bit goes a long way! 

The Takeaway 

Going clean and green is a trendy thing to do, but more than that, it’s impactful and important. Eco-friendly print and promotional products that feature recyclable or biodegradable materials, or supporting environmental causes may seem expensive, but will ultimately improve your business’s bottom line while helping to save our planet. Emulating a model like that of Ben & Jerry’s, or at least a portion of it, is a great way to get started! With so many personal and global benefits, there’s no time like the present to start prioritizing positive environmental impact and implementing key green initiatives into your business! 

CONTACT US TODAY to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team and implement effective eco-friendly print and promotional products into your next green initiative! 


Brand Matters: The Value of Self-Care 

It’s hard to take care of others if you aren’t taking care of yourself. As a business owner or professional, it’s important to practice self-care in your own life to encourage your employees and clients to follow suit. Implementing self-care and positive lifestyle changes can lead to improved productivity in the office and support improved mental health overall. It can be tempting to sweep healthy habits to the side when things get busy, but making time for yourself will pay off in the long run. 

Self-care will enable you to be the best version of yourself for the people in your life and will empower your employees, prospects, and clients to do the same. In this blog post, we’ll cover:

  1. Why is Self-Care Important? 
  2. Examples of Self-Care in the Workplace 
  3. What Does Self-Care Look Like? 

Why is Self-Care Important? 

Think about the world we live in today. Over the last few years, we’ve experienced a global pandemic, political tensions, skyrocketing inflation, and an out-of-control housing market that have left many of us with an overwhelming sense of stress. If you don’t take some time to evaluate your own needs and take care of yourself, it’s easy to spiral and lose motivation in both your personal and professional life.  

Your employees and clients already have so much going on in their own lives, the last thing they need is for work to be another stressor. 70% of adults who said stress interferes with their work also reported that workplace stress affects their personal relationships, mainly with their spouses.  In fact, 25% of people in a recent National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health survey said they view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives.

With those stats in mind, it’s important to practice self-care as a form of relief from work.  A Vagaro survey found that Americans cited experiencing benefits such as enhanced self-confidence (64%), increased productivity (67%), and happiness (71%) when prioritizing self-care.  It also results in physical health benefits like a reduction in the chances of developing heart disease, stroke, and cancer. On the flip side, not engaging in self-care can result in burnout, depression, anxiety, resentment, and worse. 

Self-Care in the Workplace  

So, what can be done to preserve everyone’s sanity and keep mental health a top priority? Some solutions are tangible while some are a little broader. In the workplace, there are several practices you can enact to help your employees and clients feel safe, respected, and cared for on the job. The culture of working 80-hour weeks and constantly demanding more from your workers is a dangerous one and it’s quickly going out of style. In most instances, people are working to live, not living to work. They have families and lives outside of the office, so such long weeks could be detrimental to their mental health. Consider dialing back the pressure by hiring another employee to help take on excess workload or adjust your expectations and deadlines to ensure your employees have the necessary bandwidth and support they need.  

Self-care is important to your clients and employees, but sometimes the care needs to come from you as the business owner! Incentives like allowing hybrid work, offering half-days on Fridays, and being flexible with PTO requests are all things that your employees have no control over, but that could tremendously improve their well-being. You may initially think these measures could be harmful to your business or decrease productivity, but a recent study actually showed that employees know they’re not at their best when stressed. The survey showed that 41% said it made them less productive, 33% said it made them less engaged, 15% admitted to looking for a new job because of stress, and 14% said it made them absent more frequently.  You can’t afford NOT to take care of your employees.   

Don’t overlook the countless possibilities to extend beneficial self-care to your clients! They represent a valuable part of your process and can benefit from a self-care routine as well. Initiatives like randomly sending self-care promotional items and notes to clients letting them know you are thinking of them can go a long way. Encourage self-care for your clients to show them you value their partnership and recognize how hard they work. When people feel like they are being stewarded with fairness and compassion, they are more inclined to put forth a full effort for the company and do the best job possible at work. 

What Does Self-Care Look Like? 

Self-care can look different from person to person. For one person, it may be a trip to the spa; for someone else it could be a day on the golf course; or taking an evening to catch up on their favorite tv show. In many instances, promotional products can even contribute to self-care. Lotions, massagers, and robes can all provide the at-home spa feel that may be just what they need to feel refreshed and ready to tackle the week. Products like yoga mats and push-up grips can encourage physical fitness, another important component of self-care routines. Travel items like bags and portable speakers can even encourage your employees and clients to take that much-needed weekend getaway. 

Whatever self-care looks like for you, it’s essential to take that time to prioritize your mental health and well-being. In a work environment, it’s critical that employees and clients are given space to do just that. But the principle applies to business owners as well. Your company and employees will be at their best when you’re at your best!  

The Takeaway 

Nobody runs at optimal performance when they’re bogged down by work and the stresses of life with no relief. Establishing a self-care routine is important for your own sanity and effectiveness in the workplace, but it’s also paramount that you provide the space for your employees and clients to do the same. So, take that mental health day, treat yourself to that massage, have that extra scoop of ice cream, or whatever else self-care entails for you! CONTACT US today to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team and learn more about how we can help you take care of yourself and your employees and clients. 

Tactical Travel

Sometimes in life, you have to decide to take the leap and go somewhere in the spur of the moment. The travel bug is strong with so many people, so why not lean into it and encourage travel for events like trade shows, networking events, company retreats, and more? As you can imagine, business travel dipped significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has ramped back up significantly over the past year. In 2019, business travelers made up about 25% of all travel in North America. People are willing to travel, so what can you do to make sure the time they spend at your event is worth it? 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss: 

  1. Spontaneity into Sales 
  2. Events that Generate Enthusiasm 
  3. Brand Exposure Across the Country 

1. Spontaneity into Sales 

The cost of going on a trip goes far beyond the price of a flight and hotel. One recent study found that many travelers spend an average of $718 per person even before they’ve left their destination – on anything from duty-free shopping to trip-related clothing.  Not everything on a business trip will be put on a company card, and there are definitely personal expenses associated with travel. With that knowledge, you as a business owner or host at an event can capitalize on an opportunity.  

Think ahead about things you can give registrants at your event that make their journeys easier. Travel kits that include things like bags, headphones, or pillows are practical ways to help those that made the trip to your event. Author Paul Greenberg once wrote, “If a customer likes you — and continues to like you — they will continue to do business with you. If they don’t, they won’t.” The principle is simple: you are addressing a tangible need in the event attendee’s current situation, and they won’t forget that. Turn the spontaneity of their trip into sales and future business for you! 

2. Events that Generate Enthusiasm 

There are roughly 13,000 trade shows in the U.S. alone every year, so it’s worth thinking about what will set your event apart and make it special. Instead of meeting in the same place every year, consider mixing up your event location and choosing different places that travelers will be more excited to visit.  

According to research from J.D. Power, 47% of business travelers say developing relationships with customers, suppliers, and other people in the business world is the most critical aspect of a business trip.  Are the networking events you put on fostering this type of interaction? Are you giving attendees the opportunity to have meaningful conversations with those in their industry? Or are your events so packed with speakers and seminars that there is no time left for the actual networking? 

Enthusiasm for your event can also be driven by incentives. The sales benefits are enough for some, but attendance at your event can be even higher if people see extra perks to going. Maybe that looks like a raffle with exclusive giveaways or opportunities that attendees are automatically entered into. Maybe it’s a free round of golf at a premium course during the event weekend. Think about the typical person who would travel to your event and what would make them classify your event as a “can’t miss” every year. 

3. Brand Exposure Across the Country 

If your customer base or network goes beyond your local community (which it probably does if you’re at a major event), consider the number of markets represented by those in attendance. One single trade show could include attendees from New York, Toronto, San Francisco, Chicago, Miami, Montreal, and beyond. Items you give these attendees will travel thousands of miles with them, creating brand impressions across a continent and spanning multiple time zones. 

Your logo and brand awareness spreads exponentially when all those attendees return to their homes with luggage tags, duffels, and other travel necessities they received at your event. The more useful a promotional product is, the longer people will keep it. The next time those attendees travel for a conference, networking event, or even for vacation, they’ll keep the items you gave them in circulation and the reach will be even greater. Think of your event like a central hub where your brand is collected, then dispersed all over the world at no extra cost to you afterward! 

The Takeaway 

After a brief dive during COVID-19, business travel for trade shows, conferences, and networking events is booming once again. Every attendee presents an opportunity and you’ll want to be tactical about how you take advantage of their traveling. Turn the spontaneity of their trip into sales for you and make sure the trip is worthwhile which will generate enthusiasm and make them want to return. Ensure that when they leave the event, attendees are taking impressions of your brand back home with them. Maximizing the benefits of business travel can be a win for attendees, the show host, participating businesses, and everyone else involved in the process! Contact us today to set up a call with a dedicated member of our team.

Great Gifts at any Budget

Giving a great gift can add a wow factor to your holiday party or can make your clients and employees feel appreciated. However, choosing the right gift can be a challenge. Luckily, we have options that can make your recipient feel special, whatever your budget. The trick is choosing items within your budget that have a higher perceived value than the price point.

Under $5

A gift is always appreciated, no matter the price point. For options starting at just around $1 that make a big impact on a small budget, look for items at your price-point that have premium materials and elements. Metal pens with contrasting trim and stylish metal cardholders have a luxe look without breaking the bank. Promotional products made with natural materials like bamboo and cotton don’t have to come with a big price tag. While both plastic and ceramic drinkware are available at this price point, opting for ceramic will make for a gift that looks and feels more expensive.

Choosing items that are timely and being talked about is another way to impress your audience without going over budget. Right now eco-friendly alternatives to single-use products are big sellers with plenty of options at this price point. These eco-friendly options add additional value without always adding a ton of cost. Giving great gifts with a budget of under $5 is doable when you come up with a good strategy and choose the right items. 

Under $10 

At this price point, there are many more options with upgraded materials like glass, cork, stainless steel, bamboo, and cotton. There are also a few options like the soy candle in a glass and bamboo jar (included in the link above) that resemble luxury gifts from department stores but have a lower price tag.  Adding a laser engraved logo elevates the look and still comes in under $10! 

In this category, there are also many items with a purpose that your recipient can use daily. Drinkware, dry bags, flashlights, and multi-tools are items your audience will use over and over with a reminder of your brand each time

Under $20  

Did you know that you can find items from great name-brands co-branded with your logo for under $20? Just a few options at this price point include swag from W&P Porter, Igloo, Jabba, and Modern sprout. As an added bonus, because some of these brands also have programs that give back, your clients will also know that you are a brand that cares. For example, for every Modern sprout tree kit you give, a tree is planted! An awesome gift that also gives back doubles the impact on the recipient. Relaxation and entertaining gifts are also great options that help to associate the positive feeling of relaxation and gathering with friends and family with your brand. 

Under $50  

Between $20-$50 options for sought-after brands abound! Drinkware that you would request by name, like MiiR and Manna, is in this pricing sweet spot. Food gift sets get an upgrade with gourmet and organic options and non-food gifts come in sets that feel more complete and “full.” Entertaining gifts also get a nice upgrade in both material and number of pieces. Plus, tech gifts shift from just accessories to great standalone gifts like smart plugs, light-up wireless speakers, and power banks with a built-in UV sanitizer.

Under $100  

Swag at this price point has a built-in wow factor. This budget level is a great option if you are looking for gift sets that include multiple brand name products or gift sets with many components. Instead of your average promotional products, tech gifts will be from brands like Jensen, Sony, or Skull candy. Plus there are some outstanding options for the clients who already seem to have everything. One-of-a-kind gifts, like Fracture Glass Prints, that allow your recipient to fully customize their own item are a unique option for those who you don't quite know how to shop for. With many options with 1 piece minimums, you can even get a different gift for each person on your list. 

Gifts Over $100  

If your budget is over $100, choose from our high-end brands like Moleskine, Bose, Waterford, Ray-ban, and North Face. The link above contains just a small sampling of the brands and styles that we offer. Reach out today for a gift idea presentation tailored to your specific needs. 

Plus, with our ProStores option, you can give your recipients the gift of choice! You choose the gift options and logos, and your recipient places the order on our ProStores portal for the item of their choosing in the right size and color for them. We take care of the rest, from order entry to shipping directly to your recipient with your special message included! Let us help make your holiday gift-giving fun and stress-free. If you can Imagine a gift program, we can Create it in order to Engage your recipient.

Why Employee Gifts Are More Important Than Ever in 2021

With 80% of companies who hire industry and service workers and 60% of those who hire office and professional workforce saying it is "somewhat" or "very" difficult to hire qualified workers, 2021 has been a rough year to onboard new employees. That means that employers are going to have to work harder than ever to not only bring on new talent but also to retain their existing employees. With an estimated 9 million job openings, it is important to set yourself apart and position yourself as an outstanding employer. If you have updated your compensation package and benefits and are still trying to gain an advantage over the competition, creating solid employee recognition and gift programs is a great start. 


Telling an employee they are doing a great job is one thing, but giving them a physical reminder of their hard work and dedication takes your appreciation to the next level. A framed certificate, a plaque, or an award can serve as a daily reminder of your gratitude for your employees. We even have less traditional items that can be engraved like an award but also serve a practical purpose for your recipient. These outside-the-box ideas are especially handy for commemorating milestones or years of service. To find both traditional and more contemporary options check out the link above. 

Employee Incentive Programs

Setting goals and creating incentives to reach them is a great tool for keeping existing employees motivated and striving for improvement. These goals can be related to sales or performance. They can also be something like health, wellness, and mindfulness-focused programs. As shown in a 2018 Study, 57%. of employees polled feel that they would be more loyal and productive with a company that takes proactive steps to support their mental health. Look for options that are on theme and support your goals. For example, water bottles, lunch containers, yoga mats, and workout towels are great ways to promote a healthy lifestyle. Gifts that make travel easier can be great incentives for a sales team that is always on the go! We have strategies that can support both sales and performances based incentive programs and those programs focused on health and wellness in the link above.  

Year-End Gifts

The holidays are the perfect time to let your employees know how much you appreciate everything that they have done throughout the year. Gift cards are usually appreciated, but also a little impersonal. However, gifts from well-known brands branded with your company logo and personalized for each individual employee can have a big "wow" factor. These gifts often come with a lower price point than their perceived value. In other words, brand name gifts often make an impact much larger than their actual price tag. Brand-name gifts are available at almost any price point so that you can make a statement whatever your budget may be. For our top brand-name gifts starting at around $10.00, explore our year-end gifting ideas linked above.

Please keep in mind that 2021 is a year unlike any other when it comes to inventory shortages and long lead times for shipping from overseas. This year, it is more important than ever to plan ahead. ABC has solutions to help you shop now and ship later so reach out for your year-end gifting consultation today. Remember, if you can Imagine a holiday program, we can Create it in order to Engage your employees.

Back to School 2021

With announcements coming in from around the country that both K-12 schools and colleges will be returning to in-person learning in the fall, back to school has a new meaning!  Being prepared and having the right supplies is going to be more crucial than ever.  Whether you are providing supplies for a school or school supplies for students, we can help you find just about anything on your list!   

Heath & Safety Procedures

We have the equipment and supplies to make sure that your re-opening procedures are understood and being properly performed.  

Even before students come on campus, you can keep them safe by choosing one of our infrared thermometers.  Chose from handheld ones that won’t break the bank or wall-mounted styles that allows your staff to keep their distance while students scan themselves.  We even have thermal imaging devices that scan in real-time and allow traffic to keep flowing instead of stopping each person to take their temperature individually. 

Ensure student and staff safety once they are on campus with our cost-effective and convenient solutions.  Touchless hand sanitizer stations and individual barriers for desks and counters keep students and teachers germ-free and healthy.  Clear, easy to read signage can ensure that traffic moves smoothly in hallways and your re-opening protocols are being communicated clearly and consistently.  

New Normal School Supplies

Have you updated your back-to-school shopping list with the newest supplies that you will need to follow re-opening protocols and stay healthy and safe?  Whether you are looking for a kit that has the essentials covered or individual items to check off your list, we have you covered.  PPE kits (masks, gloves, wipes, and sanitizer) ready to go in a drawstring backpack give every student what they need on their first day back in the classroom.   Of course, each of these items is also available individually as well.  We also have a variety of regular school supplies, like backpacks and writing instruments, with antimicrobial properties to avoid the spread of germs.

For younger students, look for masks sized for youth that will provide a better fit for little faces.  Specialized masks, like the ones with anti-fog windows in the front, cater to students with special needs or the hearing impaired who may rely on lip-reading.  


Traditional Back to School Items

Students will also need all of the traditional school supplies like backpacks, lunch boxes, pencils, notebooks, coloring, and other art supplies.  Normally sharing is encouraged. However, to stop the spread of germs, 2021 means each student having enough of their own supplies to not have to borrow.  Make sure that you have a couple of extras of each item to spare in case something gets lost or broken.  

Dorm Room Items

We really are your one-stop-shop!  We even have your dorm room needs covered.  Full-color sublimated items like bedding, towels, and pillows can make a vibrant impact without breaking the bank.  You can even get matching logo flip-flops!  

Make the dorm room feel like home with small electronics like desk lamps, speakers, and clocks.  You can even stay caffeinated and fed with personal coffee makers from brands like Keurig and Cuisinart microwaves.  Or skip the cooking and send a taste of home with gourmet snack boxes.  Check out these and more items that can give any dorm room the warm feeling of home.  

Whatever your back-to-school plan, let ABC help make it as stress-free and easy as possible.  Reach out for a consultation today for your education-related promo. 

Planning for the Rest of 2021

If you have been following the news, you know that globally Covid has been causing supply-chain issues across almost every industry. From food and consumer goods to utilities and construction, just about everything imaginable has been affected by these issues that lead to short supply and an increase in prices.  Shortages with materials and staffing combined with significant shipping backlogs both domestically and overseas have made it difficult and expensive to source products that are usually readily available. 

Luckily, because we are Powered by Proforma, the 500 million dollar leader in print and promotional products, we are uniquely positioned to be able to leverage like a titan in the industry and also provide that small business one-on-one service ABC is known for.  This is especially true when it comes to supply-chain issues.  With Proforma on our side (and yours), we are working on a plan to ensure that current and future projects remain on track and as cost-effective as possible. 

That plan from Proforma includes:

Proactive Product Sourcing: We are proactively working with and monitoring our supplier network to identify any products that are currently affected so we can source alternatives and/or adjust timelines as needed."

"Rush Services: We are identifying suppliers that still do have rush services available on core print and promotional products for projects that have unavoidable short timelines.”

Domestic & Deep Inventory Products: We are sourcing more domestic and deeper inventory products that aren’t as subject to manufacturing and shipping delays.”

Shipping Alternatives: We are working with a host of shipping providers to find the best options available to keep deliveries on time and on budget.”

Together with Proforma, we also have recommendations on what you can do in order to ensure that your projects go as smoothly as possible.  The most important thing is to start planning for the rest of the year now.

Plan Early: If you have any current or future projects that you envision needing print, promotional products, packaging, or kitting, please reach out as soon as possible in the planning process so we can check stock, lead times and offer alternatives if necessary.”

While it may seem counterintuitive to be thinking about fall and winter spending in the middle of summer, it is important to set aside some time to start thinking about your end-of-year holiday and employee appreciation project now.  With solutions for us to store your completed order until you need it and swag options that work well for both summer and fall, there is no reason not to start now.  Reach out today to let us know what projects you Imagine for the rest of the year so that we can Create them in order to Engage your audience. 

Travel Safely

After over a year of life stuck at home without a change of venue or being able to see people in person, you are probably eager to get back on the road to see new sights and reconnect with family members, friends, and clients that you haven’t seen in a while.  Now that everything is starting to re-open, we have some travel tips and ideas to help you stay safe on that vacation or business trip. 

Keep it Clean 

Keeping your hands, personal items, and surroundings clean doesn’t become any less important because the risk of contracting COVID has been reduced.  Think of all the germs, colds, and flus that you have avoided while socially distancing due to the pandemic for the last year.  While undoubtedly COVID is more severe, these everyday bugs can also slow you down and make you lose your new-found momentum.  Keep germs at bay by continuing to use the sanitizer, UV cleaners, anti-microbial products, and all the other awesome cleaning and sanitizing products made popular in the last year.  They aren’t just for when you are out and about, but also a great solution for unfamiliar hotel rooms and vacation rentals. 

We Have You Covered 

While in many places, regulations on mandatory masking and other PPE have relaxed a bit, for settings in which masks, face shields, and other types of protective equipment are still required, ABC will continue to have you covered.  These will be especially important in close quarters, like airplanes, where masks are still mandatory.  When traveling abroad, it is also important to keep in mind that many countries still have more stringent restrictions than the US in place. 

Be Organized 

Staying organized is the best way to ensure you know where everything is, you don’t forget anything, and that what you need is easily accessible.  Consider keeping essential items like masks and sanitizer in a small pouch that you can easily access without going through everything else in your bag.  Keeping your passport, vaccination record, test results, or other travel documents in an organizer that you can easily wipe clean. Expert travelers recommend that if you are traveling with any food or snacks, you keep them in a separate clear bag so that it doesn’t need to be opened at TSA and other screening checkpoints.  Packing in travel pods and packing systems also helps you only come into contact with the items that you need and keeps everything else clean and germ-free. 

Stay Busy 

Many locations worldwide are still requiring travelers to quarantine when they arrive, and in many parts of the US, citizens are required to quarantine when they return. The good news is that we have a curated list of packable items that travel well to keep you entertained.  From coloring books and sketch pads to give you an artistic outlet, to puzzles and games that keep your brain engaged and active.  We also have tools to keep you productive when away from the office or home.  For ideas to help bust the boredom of isolation or keep you productive, check out the Stay Busy link above.  

For more information about travel restrictions, check out the CDC website or the website of the local health department for your destination.  For ideas on how to make the most of your post-pandemic travels, check out the links above or reach out today for a consultation. Remember, if you can Imagine a travel plan, we can Create the swag to help you get there and Engage your audience. 

Trade Show and Convention Essentials

With the “new normal” shifting back to pre-pandemic status (or maybe the “new-new normal”) and trade shows and conventions starting to take place in person again, you are going to need a combination of tried and true items in addition to some updated swag that reflects the current rules and restrictions for conventions and gatherings. 

Booth & Display Ideas

Other than the need to keep some distance, chances are that your booth setup itself will not be changing all that much.  However, choosing the right items and materials can help keep your booth clean and safe.  Using easy to client banner shields or materials that can be easily wiped down, will add some ease and safety to your setup and breakdown routine. Custom table throws now come in washable fabrics that you can throw in your washing machine to ensure they a clean and new for each event. Hanging, tabletop, and even rolling shields can give your employees in tight booths a little added security from visitors. 


Having clear signage is the easiest way to make any new convention expectations known to people visiting your booth. We can offer both stock options as completely custom solutions to communicate any message that you need to convey. From directional and instructional signage to branded and information signage, we can help. 

Keeping Employees Safe 

Making sure your employees stay safe and healthy while they are representing your company isn’t just the right thing to do, it is also good for business. It can save you on sick pay and temporary employees as well as reflect positively on your company with employees and potential clients alike.  Branded masks, face shields, sanitizer, and other PPE products keep your employees safe while letting your audience know that you care.  There are now even options for sanitizer attachments to displays and banner stands so that your sanitizing station can blend right into your booth. 

Timely Swag

Choosing items that your audience will use and want to keep is the key to a successful promotional products strategy.  Items that are used frequently like sanitizer and masks will continue to be a big hit as people start going to conventions and events for the first time in over a year.  Consider sanitizer that is on a carabiner or lanyard so that your recipients don’t have to reach into their purse or briefcase before sanitizing their hands.  It also offers the added bonus of hanging outside a bag or tote as a tiny advertisement for your brand instead of being tucked away and hidden.  Speaking of visibility, masks are another item that is always on display and aligns your brand with safety.  Lanyards including ones for touch-screen phones, and other items that allow the user to actually touch as little as possible are also good bets for promotional giveaways.  

Rethinking Your Sample and Swag Strategy 

Do you want to socially distance as much as possible and avoid physically handing out items at an event?  We have solutions for that!  Just gather attendee information and we can order, warehouse, and fulfill your swag for you!  Whether your conference is in person or virtual, we can send your branded merchandise directly to your recipient’s door!  From individual easily mailable items that fit in an envelope or on a postcard to entirely branded kits of any size, we can be your single-source solution provider. 

Whatever you decide is the best way for your company to get back into the swing of conventions and trade shows, ABC is here to help.  If you can Imagine a convention plan, we can Create it in order to Engage your audience. 

Single-Source Marketing Solutions

When the team at ABC says that we are your single-source solution provider for all of your print, promo, and e-commerce needs, we mean it!  As a part of Proforma, the $500 million dollar leader in printing and promotional products, we are uniquely positioned to offer you next-level service at competitive prices.  From the conception of your idea through the fulfillment process, we can help you every step of the way.  

Promotional Products

Whether you are looking for tried and true promotional products like pens, drinkware, bags, and trade show giveaways or you are looking for something new and different with the hottest brand names, we can help you find the most effective swag for your audience!  For those looking for something truly outside the box, we even offer completely custom domestic and overseas solutions.  

Print Services

From small jobs in tiny formats like stickers to huge prints like signs and building wraps plus everything in between, we have you covered.  If you can imagine it, we can print it.  This includes packaging, labels, checks, business forms, stationery, business cards, calendars, catalogs, and even food grade printed products like butcher paper, food packaging, and toothpick flags.  If it can be printed, we can put your brand on it!


Turn your employees, customers, or fan base into walking billboards with branded apparel, hats, and accessories.  We have wearable options to suit any purpose or budget.  When it comes to uniforms, we have everything from durable workwear and ANSI-approved vests to fashion-forward retail-inspired looks for your office or restaurant staff.  We can also help you come up with the perfect swag strategy for your next event!  From inexpensive t-shirts that display your brand and hashtag at that Instagramable event to high-end brands for your golf tournament, we have a full spectrum of apparel available to be customized just for you.  If you are looking for something that has never been seen before, we have both domestic and overseas cut-and-sew options to create something 100% unique to you.  


Think of us as your marketing agency, without the fees!  Do you need promotional materials for your business but aren’t quite sure how to put that flyer or brochure together?  We offer full-service solutions that can include creative copywriting and graphic design. This means that we can even design your packaging or POP display.  In addition, we can produce videos to help you educate your audience about your company or market your product or service.    

E-Commerce Solutions

We understand that taking orders with sizes, colors, and styles specified for each employee or event attendee can be time-consuming and nerve-racking.  The solution is ProStores! Let us take the stress out of this process for you by creating a custom web store where your recipients can place the orders themselves.  Our ProStores can be customized to look and feel like your existing website. You pick the products and the logos, and we do the rest.  

Warehousing & Fulfillment

Our warehousing and fulfillment services work hand in hand with ProStores to provide you seamless fulfillment services.  You decide which products in what quantities you want to keep on hand.  All your recipient has to do is go online and place an order.  Most orders ship within 24 hours without you having to lift a finger!  You get one monthly bill and live reporting so your finger is always on the pulse of what is happening.  We even send you automated notifications to let you know when it is time to re-stock.  

Give us a call today to learn how we can make your entire promotional product strategy an easy and hassle-free experience from idea to delivery!  Remember, if you can Imagine, we can Create it in order to Engage your audience…and now with ProStores, we can also manage the entire process for you!

Promos for the Great Outdoors

With warmer weather approaching and restrictions regarding travel and gatherings being lifted, it’s time to get your brand where people will be hanging out this spring and summer…outdoors!  There are so many great ways to give your band its moment in the sun.  Just find your audience!


Hikers and campers are looking for rugged products that wear well but are also stylish enough for that perfect social media photo by the lake or at the summit.  Hikers and campers will appreciate swag from brands they know and trust like North Face, Osprey, Camelbak, Coleman, and Patagonia.  If you are looking for something at a lower price point, we have accessories to keep your recipients safe and aid them in their journey starting at under $1!  


For now, game-day tailgating may still be relegated to your own driveway or backyard.  That doesn’t mean that you can’t be the envy of your neighbors while you practice for a return to the stadium from the comfort of your own home! Pop-up tents, umbrellas, and coolers can serve as a large billboard to prominently display your brand, while smaller items like bottle openers and Koozies make great branded swag that is economical enough to give away.  


The beach can be a blank canvas for your next promotional product project!  For a premium experience, your brand can roll along the bike path with a completely custom beach cruiser or ride the waves on a branded surfboard.  Both of these items can be customized at just one piece for an awesome impact at a beachside event or surf competition.  Creating a unique hashtag so your fans can post pictures when they spot these prime items on the beach, can combine your promotional product and digital marketing strategy for a great return on your investment. 

For some more budget-friendly options with a higher perceived value, opt for items like beach towels, sifter totes that help keep the sand out, or dry bags that your audience can use to keep wet items away stowed away or electronics dry.  Beach toys also make a great giveaway with an even lower price point.  

Festival Goers 

With outdoor concerts and festivals returning this summer comes an opportunity to showcase your brand with less traditional items.  While apparel is always popular, festival apparel can be a chance to get quirky, fun, or tongue in cheek with your custom t-shirt store!  With more relaxed styles in a laid-back setting, being playful with your next promo can be fun. 

Fun and funky styles you may not see in other places dominate the festival scene.  Think big floppy hats, fanny packs, ponchos, statement sunglasses, and swag that literally glows.  Targeting festival-goers is a unique opportunity to let loose and think outside the box! 

Outdoor Avoiders 

We know that the great outdoors may not be for everyone… the sun, the heat, the mosquitos, the people… However, it can be unavoidable at times.  Don’t sweat it!  People who may not be having as much fun in the sun don’t have to be left out.  For the reluctant crowd that avoids leaving the comfort of the air conditioner and shade, we have swag to stay cool and comfortable. 

Does your outdoor event or gathering not fall into one of these categories?  We still have you covered!  Reach out today to come up with a custom solution that gets your brand out in the sun this summer.   

Earth Friendly Fun in the Sun

Are you looking to have fun in the sun while also minimizing your environmental impact? Luckily, there are many promotional products out there that can help you have an amazing summer while doing your part to save the planet!  


According to Save the Reef, “Scientists have found that an estimated 14,000 tons of sunscreen is deposited into our oceans and reefs every year!”  Octinoxate and oxybenzone, two of the most common chemicals found in sunscreen are the “most potent killer” of coral reefs worldwide.  If you are looking for reef-friendly options, look for sunscreens that have safe minerals like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide as the active ingredients instead of those that include oxybenzone, octinoxate, homosalate, or octocrylene.  You also want to avoid PABA, parabens, triclosan, and any microplastics or nanoparticles.  

Check out the link above for sunscreen options that include only 6 ingredients: Zinc Oxide (non-nanoparticle), Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Beeswax, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, and non-GMO Tocopherol and reef-friendly lip balm options too! 

Recycled Materials

Recycled cotton fabrics that are cool and breathable make great tees, tanks, and even beach towels.  Annually 25 billion pounds of textiles are discarded.  (Council for Textile Recycling) Using recycled textiles saves water, reduces carbon emissions, and keeps those 25 billion pounds out of landfills.  

About 2.79 million tons of plastic PET bottles are thrown out every year. (USEPA Office of Solid Waste) The good news is that about 30% of those are recycled into RPET. (National Association for PET Container Resources & The Association of Postconsumer Plastic Recyclers) RPET made from recycled plastic bottles can be used to make a wide variety of items from hard goods like drinkware, umbrellas, coolers, and frisbees to apparel and accessories like t-shirts, tanks, totes, and towels!   

Blended with other materials or on their own, recycled materials can be super soft and fashion-forward, giving your next Screen Printed T-shirt or towel project a higher perceived value.  For t-shirts, towels, bags, and other recycled textile items perfect for the pool or beach check out the link above. 

Compostable Summer Items

Did you know that bamboo is actually a fast-growing grass?  Because it requires less water than many crops to grow and does not require the use of pesticides, producing it can have less of an environmental impact than many other materials.  While bamboo items can be reused over and over again, bamboo items can be recycled, or even better, composted when you are done with them! If you don’t have a compost bin, smaller bamboo items like straws or utensils can even be broken up and buried in your garden where insects and plants can break them down. 

If you are looking to get as close to zero waste as possible with your promotional products, then wheat straw items are a great option.  When wheat grains are harvested, the leftover wheat straw stalk has been traditionally discarded.  Not only is the wheat straw not being wasted, but it is also being used in place of other items like paper (for plates and cups) or plastic (for reusable hard goods) that have a higher environmental impact.  As with bamboo, wheat straw can be composted both at home and in commercial facilities. 

We have you covered with hats and sunglasses and can help you have your lunch alfresco with utensils, containers, and drinkware.  The sustainable summer items link will take you to a fun selection of items perfect for having fun in the sun.  

If you aren’t sure where to start with your earth-friendly summer promo, don’t sweat it! Just reach out to us for a consultation.  We can do the work while you lounge in the shade. 

This vs That Everyday Eco Friendly Swaps

Are you looking for a way to make small changes that lessen the impact your company has on the environment while leaving your consumer with a favorable impression of your brand?  Being eco-friendly doesn’t have to have a major impact on your wallet, even small changes can have a big impact over time.  Check out these swag swaps that make it easy to be green. 

Plastic Bag Alternatives 

According to The Center for Biological Diversity, “Americans use 100 billion plastic bags a year, which require 12 million barrels of oil to manufacture.”  Waste Management adds that “only 1 percent of plastic bags are returned for recycling.”  

Thankfully, there are now so many alternatives to using single-use bags that it is now easier than ever to make the switch to a more sustainable option.  Paper bags, the most common alternative, offer styles that are recycled, recyclable, and compostable. For an added bonus, use a washable kraft paper bag that can be washed and reused over and over again.  Jute totes are another great option because jute is bio-degradable and compostable, easy to grow, keeps the soil fertile, and has a low water footprint.  Other great options include bags made from recycled cotton and recycled plastic bottles. There are even reusable mesh options to replace flimsy plastic produce bags! 

Small Changes at Lunch Time

Bringing your lunch is a great way to eliminate single-use plastics and styrofoam containers!  A great insulated tote can keep your lunch cool and fresh until you are ready to eat.  Reusable zipper bags, food wraps, sandwich containers, and other food containers can take the place of disposable baggies, cling wrap, and foil.  

According to the Plastic Pollution Coalition, 100,000 plastic utensils are used by Americans each day! So even if you are craving takeout or need to pick a meal up on the road, bringing your own utensils instead of using disposable ones can have an impact on the amount of waste you create. Luckily, we have a bunch of options that come with a carrying case so that you can tuck them away without making a mess and wash them when you get home.  

Apparel and Accessories

For your next custom t-shirt or corporate apparel project, consider switching to more environmentally friendly options.  Tees made from renewable resources like bamboo or from recycled materials like plastic bottles are great swag swaps.  These items are now produced to be softer and more luxurious feeling than ever before while still maintaining a price point that makes sense.

There are also a ton of alternatives for accessories like socks, masks, bags, backpacks, briefcases, and totes.  Giving your customers or employees eco-friendly apparel and accessories doesn’t just turn them into walking billboards for your brand it reminds them that your brand is synonymous with environmental consciousness every time they wear it. 

Ditch the Disposable Drinkware

Over 50 billion disposable coffee cups are thrown out in the US every year! (Plastic EDU) This doesn’t even account for the cups we use for other beverages like sodas and smoothies.  Drinkware is one of the most popular categories of promotional products, so there is no shortage of items to choose from. 

Not only does reusable drinkware help cut down on the amount of garbage produced, but it also decreases the carbon emissions created by their production.  As an added bonus to the reduced environmental impact, reusable drinkware can also keep your cold drinks colder and your hot drinks warmer!  There are even options made from environmentally conscious materials! Even swapping the plastic straw for a more durable and conscious option can have an impact! 

Give us a call today so we can help you brainstorm how to transform your current program into one that lets your audience know that your company is environmentally conscious. 

Promos With a Purpose

Aligning with brands that share your company’s values tells your audience what you believe in and what you stand for.  Programs that give back to causes that your audience cares about can help set you apart from your competition.  Whether you choose a cause that supports the environment, animals, or people, you can position yourself as a compassionate company that gives back.  

This is especially true when considering the swag that you choose to give out to your customers.  Quality promotional products that support a cause keep your brand top of mind in a favorable way.  For some ideas on how you can give back with your next promotional product purchase, check out these options: 


Not only does MiiR offer premium, functional drinkware, cooler bags, and backpacks with a perceived value beyond the price-point, but they have granted over $1.50M to a variety of projects around the world.  When your recipient unboxes their MiiR gift, they also get a code that allows them to track how the funds given back for their specific item were used!  MiiR giving projects include providing clean water for communities around the world, environment conservation, protection of natural resources, and building strong communities here in the US and abroad. Check out the MiiR link above for a small selection of qualifying products or reach out to us for more options. 

Wood & Cork Items / One Tree Planted:

Reduce the environmental impact of the wood and cork gifts that you purchase by choosing items that qualify for One Tree Planted.  For each order that you place for qualifying wood and cork items, a tree will be planted.  Through donations and partnerships like this one, One Tree Planted raised enough funds in 2020 to plant over 15 million trees throughout North America, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. They have committed to planting at least 20 million trees this year!  The One Tree Planted link above will show you just a few of the products that qualify for this program, but there are many more.

Solo New York / The National Forest Foundation:

Solo’s new RE:CYCLED Collection turns recycled plastic PET bottles into fashion-forward and practical bags, backpacks, totes, and luggage.  They also make all their tags, strings, and stuffing from biodegradable or 100% recycled materials.  Not only is Solo protecting the environment through the materials they use, but they also partner with The National Forest Foundation to plant a tree for each item purchased.  For a complete list of the participating items, click the polo New York link above. 

Përka, WORK, or iCOOL - Shelter to Soldier Items:

A portion of proceeds from your Përka, WORK, or iCOOL purchase goes to support Shelter to Soldier.  Their motto is “Saving two lives at a time” for good reason.  Shelter to soldier rescues shelter dogs and trains them to become psychiatric service dogs for veterans experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and other psychological injuries associated with service-related trauma.  The link above will take you to a sampling of the selection, of products supporting Shelter to Soldier. 

Basecamp / Wounded Warrior Project: 

If you are looking for rugged and durable products made for the outdoors, Basecamp is your brand.  As an added bonus, the purchase of any Basecamp product supports the Wounded Warrior Project.  Wounded Warrior Project is committed to helping post 9/11 veterans who are injured, ill, or wounded s a result of their service.  In February 2021, Basecamp was able to make a $100,000 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project as a result of funds raised through the sales of their products.  Check out a few of our favorite Basecamp items above or reach out for a full catalog. 

W&P - Porter Bowl / Edible Schoolyard NYC:

Created to eliminate the use of single-use plastics, W&P’s Porter Collection helps you lessen your lunchtime environmental impact by packing your lunch in reusable containers.  Now, W&P has partnered with Edible Schoolyard NYC to donate a portion of sales from its Porter Bowls to programs that teach children in low-income areas the connection between food, health, and the environment.  Check out participating products above. 

Are you looking for swag with a purpose for your next project?  ABC can help you find brands that align with your cause or items that would work for your next fund-raiser.  Reach out today to learn more. 

Staying Healthy in the Workplace

Promoting health and safety in the workplace doesn’t just benefit employees, it yields real rewards for the company as well.  Not only does it have the ability to decrease costs related to workplace illness and injury, resulting in fewer sick days taken by employees, and reduce healthcare plan costs; but, it can also increase productivity by improving employee morale and have a favorable impact on the public perception of your company.  

When thinking of implementing or revamping a workplace wellness program, you will want to focus on some key areas including the following:  

Covid Safety

Whether your employees are back in the office or just dropping by occasionally, having a solid Covid-19 prevention program with all appropriate measures in place can help stop the spread. Below are just a few ideas to help you implement a Covid safety program in your workplace; for expert guidance for businesses and employers responding to Covid-19 please visit the CDC website: or your local health department website.

Regardless of if you are installing sanitizer stations throughout the workplace, or providing individual pocket or desk size sanitizers, hand sanitizer is a must when it comes to covid safety.  Also, be sure to include either disposable or eco-friendly reusable face masks and PPE options.  Clear and easy-to-read signage can help ensure that employees and customers understand safety protocols while partitions and shields help enforce social distancing.  Don’t forget that many products used in the office like pens, mousepads, and drinkware now come in antimicrobial versions for added protection. 

Promoting Healthy Habits 

Promoting healthy habits in the workplace can include incentivizing employees to get moving, encouraging healthy eating, or hyping hydration. Having co-workers for support and accountability can definitely make choosing a healthy lifestyle easier.  Having lunchtime walking buddies or a colleague to share healthy meals with can help keep employees motivated and accountable.  Packing your own lunch or bringing a water bottle can ensure that you make better choices throughout the day. 

Make sure that the promotional products that you order support the habits you are encouraging your employees to create.  Items like water bottles, lunch containers and totes, and yoga mats can serve as incentives or a way to jumpstart new health and wellness program.  Finding amazing coordinated swag with a high perceived value that you can give out as your employees reach certain milestones is a great way to keep them motivated. Make it fun and challenging to get individual items as incentives and collecting the full kit to reach the final goal!  We can even take care of the warehousing and fulfillment for you!     


Mental Health

Often overlooked, mental health is an important part of any health and wellness program.  According to a study done by Harris Interactive with questions written by the American Institute of Stress, “80% of workers feel stress on the job, nearly half said they need help in learning how to manage stress.”  Programs that encourage mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, and provide an outlet for tension can help reduce stress in the workplace.  

Show your employees that you care by choosing corporate gifts that compliment your mental health campaign and helps employees relax and de-stress.  Check out our mental health and relaxation gift ideas in the link above.  

Whatever your goals are when it comes to promoting health and wellness in the workplace, ABC can help.  From selecting and kitting items to warehousing and fulfillment, we can help keep it stress-free. 

Workout Trends 2021

Although gyms may be closed in many areas, that doesn’t mean that Americans are foregoing their daily workout routine.  The way that people exercise is evolving to adapt to allow for social distancing and to take gym closures into account.  Let’s review some of the top workout trends for 2021 and explore how to tailor your next promo to workout enthusiasts keeping fit during the pandemic. 

Open-Air Gyms 

Due to Covid-19, open-air gyms have become popular in many cities across the US.  With spring approaching and bringing warmer weather, open-air gyms are going to be a great way to get a social workout while social distancing.  So if you miss the gym and your normal routine, don’t panic! Outdoor spin classes or yoga classes may be the way to go for you. 

In order to keep yourself healthy and safe in what can already be a high-germ environment, having the right gear has never been more important.  Wiping down the equipment with sanitizing wipes before and after your workout will help keep you and the next person using the equipment germ-free.  Don’t forget to bring your anti-microbial towel and moisture-wicking mask.  Not into the idea of sweating in a reusable mask?  Check out our selection of disposable and lightweight masks and other PPE.  You can also keep all your swag together and off the floor using a fun and stylish waist pack with a touch thru window that allows you to use your touch screen device without even removing it from the pack! (Check out the link below for these and more ideas!)

Outdoor Exercise 

Gyms aren’t the only way to stay active outdoors; sports like hiking, swimming, and biking have seen a huge increase during the pandemic.  Spending the day outdoors can be a great way to get moving and to be able to see friends and family in a way that allows for space and ventilation.  Just make sure you are prepared with the gear you will need to be sun-safe as well as covid-safe with branded merchandise like sunscreen and custom apparel with SPF protection.   

When it comes to outdoor sports, biking takes the lead in popularity.  According to NPD, April 2020 was the first time that bike sales in the US hit $1 billion in a single month, up 75% from previous years.  Not only are bikes a great way to exercise outdoors, but a great socially distant alternative to public transposition. 

While sports accessories like sunscreen and hydration promos are a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind with outdoor enthusiasts, you can make a big splash with custom outdoor sporting equipment.  Imagine touring Santa Monica in a custom beach cruiser or riding the waves in Zuma on a branded surfboard!  

Home Gyms with Tech Upgrades

As mentioned before, bike sales are booming and indoor cycling at home is no exception.  It is no wonder that indoor cycling brands like Peloton are dominating the smart home workout space.  But cycling isn’t the only way to get a smart workout at home. When it comes to smart home gym workouts, CNET rates Mirror as the “best at-home personal trainer” and Tonal as the “best resistance weight machine.”  There are also a growing number of apps and websites that provide a variety of on-demand workouts in just about any style you can imagine. 

Whatever your indoor workout style, we have the gear to keep you in style and make your logo pop when your webcam is on for live classes. Opting out of having friends and strangers see you while you work out? We even have your webcam covered! 

Check out our ideas for getting motivated and staying safe while working out:

Leveraging Trends From CES 2021 for Your Next Promo

Like most conferences in the last year, CES took place virtually.  In case you missed the Consumer Electronics Show, here are some top trends from 2021 and how you can translate these to your next promo.  

Covid Technology

Given the way the world changed in 2020, it is not surprising that one of the top categories this year was “Covid Tech.”  Leading the charge in this category was Razer’s Project Hazel with what they are dubbing “The world’s smartest mask.”  Though the project is still in the conceptual stages, some of the features will include an N95 grade respirator, a transparent design, interior lighting, and a built-in microphone and amplifier to make communication easier.  The batteries for the powered filter discs will be rechargeable via a combination wireless charger and UV light disinfectant.  Let’s not forget the one feature no Razer product would be complete without…the RGB lighting.  According to the Razer website, “For extra user entertainment and style, wearers can activate two customizable Razer Chroma RGB lighting zones offering 16.8 million colors and a suite of dynamic lighting effects.”

Other notable Covid Tech from the show includes UV light sanitizers, personal air purifiers, Bluetooth masks, earbuds and microphones, and smart doorbells with built-in thermometers.  

While some of this tech may not be on the market quite yet, we do have some options for Covid Tech that are available now including thermal scanning devices, UV and other sanitizing technology, and products made with antimicrobial properties.

Home Entrainment

With Covid-19 making it increasingly difficult to go to a movie theater in 2020 and many theaters going bankrupt or closing their doors, upgrading home entrainment systems will continue to be a major trend in 2021.  

As expected, home sound including upgraded sounders, subwoofers, and headphones, and earbuds were a big trend this year.  Notably, Samsung’s newly released Galaxy Buds Pros were an Innovation Award Honoree.  Another huge category was TVs, with 4k and 8k TVs from Samsung, LC, Sony, and TCL at the top of the list.

Your next promo can reflect the current Home Entertainment trends with options that can fit into any budget.  In this category, we offer everything from budget-friendly earbuds to Bose soundbars and subwoofers that have smart home technology.  

Rise of the Robots

From UV cleaning robots in grocery stores to package delivering drones, robots were an integral part of CES.  Amazon seems to be paving the way with both UV Cleaning Robots in its locations and its Amazon Scout anonymous delivery system rolling out (literally) in more locations.  Not far behind are UPS and CVS who are using Matternets M2 drones to deliver medication. 

However, the new trend that seems to be gaining traction this year is robots for the home from Samsung.  They are giving the robot vacuum and upgrade with the Jet Bot. Not only does it have object recognition and cameras, making it a next-level vacuum, but it also allows you to check in on your pet by providing owners away from home barking alerts and the ability to see their pet on its cameras.  They are also upgrading the smart assistant with Bot Handy. A smart assistant that can move around and has a “hand” to grasp and move objects.  Concept videos show it loading a dishwasher and setting the table! 

While these won’t be making feasible promos for some time to come, you can still make robots the theme of your next promo.  Check out our fun Robot Promos that will take your next project to Uncanny Valley.  

Whatever technology trend you want to capture in your next promo, ABC can help.  Check out the links in this article or reach out to us today to help you find the perfect promo. 

Tech Promos for any Budget

In 2020, the average American spent 229 minutes per day using their mobile device. That is almost 4 hours a day spent on a mobile phone and that’s only a fraction of the time that your audience spends using technology.  Take advantage of those hours your audience spends using technology to showcase your brand with a promo that can be used with their mobile phone, tablet, computer, or on its own. 

The great news is that there are tech promos to fit literally any budget and audience.  We have compiled a list of some of our current favorite items and categorized them according to budget.  Take a look at some of our favorites.


Under $1

Even at under a dollar, there are a ton of stock and custom options available.  Depending on your quantity and turn-around time, overseas options can get you something totally custom and unique for under a dollar.  If you need a smaller quantity or don’t have time. These stock options can be logoed and turned around quickly.  

Our favorite in this category is the low-cost, domestic microfiber cleaning cloth that can be used for your tech or your glasses.  With edge to edge dye sublimation, these cloths become a 5” x 5” canvass for your brand.  It allows for a completely custom look at an incredible price. 

Under $5

If you have a budget of $1-5, your options open up a little more.  At this price point, microfiber cloths get an upgraded terry cloth back and stitching for a higher perceived value.  Accessories like charging cables and phone holders fall into this category as do USB flash drives.  

Two of our favorite “new normal” items fall into this category.  The iCamCover metal is a nice step up from your average plastic webcam cover.  With more people working from home and using webcams to communicate, privacy has become increasingly important.  This cover offers a combination of security and style.  We also love the Origin’L Fabric Antimicrobial Mouse Pads. They are great for essential work environments and also offer a large canvas with edge-to-edge 4 color process printing. 

Under $10

Starting at about $5, tech kits offer a way to bundle multiple items for a bigger bang for your buck.  Tech organizers also make well-received gifts at this price point.  You can also find USB drives with upgraded storage and materials.  This is also the entry-level point for two of the most popular tech items, QI (wireless) charging pads and power banks. 

Our favorite item in this category is the 2000 mAh Aluminum Power Bank. It is powerful enough to give a decent charge to a mobile phone while being compact and lightweight enough to carry in your purse, pocket, or briefcase. The metal exterior and laser engraving give it a classy touch.

Under $20 

At this price point, tech organizers get an upgrade and are joined by tech-friendly and budget-friendly messenger bags and backpacks. Dual-purpose items like wireless charger/speaker combos combine the functionality of multiple tech items into a single more cost-effective promo.  Items like mobile camera lenses and Bluetooth keyboards allow you to keep your tech mobile with the added convenience usually reserved for more bulky items. 

Our favorite at this price point is the Jabba Bluetooth Speaker  Not only does it offer great sound for the price, but looks totally custom with your full-color branding across the entire speaker!  This one is also available with custom full-color packaging.

Under $100 

Backpacks, kits, and power banks get a major upgrade at this price point. Brand name backpacks and messengers include added features like RFID blocking technology, TSA-friendly laptop compartments, compartments for organization, built-in power banks, and upgraded materials and straps.  

Expect kits to include higher price point items like speakers and power banks.  Check out the Dronolyth Kit that includes a selfie (and video)  drone as well as a 6,600 mAh power bank. While stand-alone power banks will have much higher charging power at this price point.  The 12,000 mAh item on our list can fully charge both a tablet and a phone before running out of juice.  

At this price point, you will also find a better selection of brand-name items like Sony Noise Cancelling Headphones.  

Right now, one of our favorite items is the UVClean Qi. This item is great for disinfecting your phone while it charges.  It can also be used for other small items like keys and watches. Check out our over $100 list for upgraded UV Cleaning items. 

Over $100 

The sky is really the limit with tech promos, but check out a couple of our favorites in the link above. From completely custom items to well-known brands like Mosaic, Samsonite, Sony, JBL, PhoneSoap, and more, if you can Imagine it, we can Create it so that you can Engage your audience. That’s why our tagline is Imagine. Create. Engage. 

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How to Choose Between Trendy and Classic Promos

When it comes to promotional items, there is a constant battle between what is trending now and timeless items with a proven track record. How do you choose which way to go with your next promo?  Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision as to which is right for your next promo:

Know Your Audience 

Is the audience you are marketing to on top of the latest trends?  Are they likely to get more excited about what is hot and new or something impactful but familiar?  Age, gender, interests, profession, and geographical location are just a few of the factors to consider. 

An example of how this is relevant includes the athleisure trend.  It is expected to continue to going strong through 2021 as people continue to work from home.  According to Pew Research, the athleisure trend is still hitting hard with Millennials and Get Z. However, Baby Boomers are still looking for more classic styles like collared shirts and more tailored looks.     

Always have your target audience in mind when choosing what type of promo campaign to start and do research (or let us help you) before choosing.  This will ensure that you engage your intended demographic and meet your marketing goals. 

Think About Context

Trendy items are great for launches and events that are date-specific. Even when the trend dies down, the promo will continue to have a nostalgia factor that will remind your audience of your company long after the event.  I bet you can remember where you were the first time you danced the Macarena. 

On the other hand, classic promos allow you to order a larger quantity at once,  distribute slowly over time, and reorder as needed.  They won’t feel dated to new recipients 2 years from now.  This option can save you money and time by avoiding new setup charges each time and having something tried and reliable to send out to your audience. 

Work on Strategy 

Are you looking for a promo with a big impact right now or something that will last a while?  There are moments that are right for the huge bang that comes with trendy items, like opening a new location or rebranding.  However, if you are working on building long-term client or employee relationships a timeless item that will be kept and used for years to come may be a better choice.  

Something new, unique, and trendy can show your audience that our brand is new, fresh, and exciting.  That makes on-trend promos perfect for annual events that need a refresh, rebranding, grand openings, and launches.  

On the other hand, going with a classic item can increase your brand exposure over time.  The longer the recipient uses or wears your promotional item, the longer they will be a walking billboard for your brand.  Something classic is likely to be worn or used longer because it doesn’t feel dated when the trend passes. 

The Advertising Specialty Institute has found that most promos are kept 10-18 months; however, they also report that over 57% of consumers have a promo item that they have kept for over 5 years!  So think about your goal, do you think your particular campaign will have a higher return on investment with something that hits hard even if it is shorter-lived or a promo with less initial buzz but a longer life.  The answer really depends on the occasion. 

Whether you go with the latest trend or something classic, ABC can help you find the promo to engage your audience.  Just let us know your audience, occasion, and goals and we can provide solutions that will get you the highest return on your investment.  

Top Fashion Trends for 2021 That Make Great Promos

Fashion Week 2021 was just a couple of weeks ago.  We have spotted some top trends that make an awesome transition into promotional products. 

Pastels:  Show your audience that your company is on trend with fashion-forward pastel apparel.   Choose a cropped or traditional hoodie that will make for a colorful transition into spring and keep you warm on cool summer nights.  For a more daring and fashion-forward look, go for a flowy tank or muscle tee.  You can also keep it classic with a traditional t-shirt or cap in pastel hues.  We offer retail-inspired pastel collections from Bella + Canvas, Next Level, L.A.T. and classic from Hanes and Gildan to name a few. 

Transitioning Pastels to Promo:

  • Send your employees working from home different pastel-colored shirts to brighten their day and company-wide zoom meetings.  Using specific colors for different teams or departments can create a sense of unity. 
  • A great way to create some positive social media buzz is to align with a cause and have employees or volunteers post photos of themselves doing something positive to give back using your hashtag!  The pop of color in their photos makes your logo stand out. 

Outerwear: With meetings and gatherings continuing to happen outdoors, it's going to be what is on the outside that counts.  Chose a warm and stylish outdoor style to always have your brand on display.  From cost-effective house bands to name brands like The North Face, UnderArmour, Nike, Spyder, Eddie Bauer, and more, we have something to fit every style and budget. 

Outerwear Possibilities:

  • With curbside pickup, delivery, and outdoor seating on the menu for 2021, lightweight outerwear with SPF or wind protection will keep your employees comfortable and looking great. 
  • If your sales team is conducting client meetings via zoom, send them a variety of they can mix and match.  They may be working from home, but your company can still be front and center on a comfy fleece quarter-zip or sweater.

Black Masks: 2021 may not give us many opportunities to sport that little black dress, but you can still make a statement with a little black mask.  Due to the growing demand for masks that fit a wide variety of activities and, there are now more options than ever to choose from. From basic and comfortable to brand name and designer, we have you covered.

Masked Opportunities: 

  • For companies that are not doing leave-behinds or bringing swag to meetings right now, masks offer a mailable follow-up to phone or video meetings. 
  • Masks have become part of the uniform for essential businesses.  Company masks ensure that your employees’ are conveying a message and presenting an image that aligns with your company goals. 

Yellow Bags: A nice bright statement bag can also be versatile and practical.  With a bright yellow (Illuminating PMS 13-0647) as one of the Pantone colors of the year, a yellow bag is sure to be a hit. Pair it with your logo in the other color of the year, Ultimate Gray (PMS 17-5104)  We have a variety of styles to fit any budget. 

This Promo is in the Bag:

  • Make your takeout stand out with reusable insulated bags that keep your food warm or cold and your brand on display. 
  • After months away from the office, a nice cheerful bag packed with a refill of all the tools your employees need to work from home will be a welcome surprise. A style with a zipper or cinch closure will help them keep their work from home items secure in one place.  
ABC can help you transition the latest trends seamlessly into campaigns that fit your style, timeline, and budget.  Just hit the contact button to reach out.